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Dr.Kayal Padmanandam is a mentor for graduate and post-graduate Science and Engineering students. She has over a decade of experience in teaching and research in the domain of Computer Science. She is passionate about research and her area of interest is Data Science and Machine Learning Algorithms in which she pursued her doctoral research . She has several publications in journals listed with Scopus and Web of Science, especially related to machine-learning applications. Her expertise in Object-oriented paradigms and research-oriented software like MATLAB, R, and PYTHON has helped her run several training programs, especially providing Data Analytics and Data Science training using MATLAB and R. Currently, she is working as Faculty of Computer Science and as a member of the Research at St. Mary’s College.

Quadrotor Workshop -August 20&21 2019

Research Colloquium Oct-24 2019




Motivation is always the key in research. A research is born in an antecedent research. A reputable research always paves way for future exploration. In that way, my research has clearly explained the fact of truth regarding work-force leadership prediction using large number of predictor variables and benefits the consequent decision making on the grounds of skill allocation and leadership prediction. My research has identified an interesting utility measure and an Ensemble classification algorithm to predict the level of workforce leadership quality by applying various Machine learning and Fuzzy techniques. It is a novel research of combining fuzzy logic with ensemble classification with high order sampling. From August 2012, I was into this research process, and successfully completed the research.


1. P. Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan, “Knowledge Discovery Using Fuzzy Associative Subspace Ensemble Classification”, IEEE International Conference in Machine Learning and Data Science (ICMLDS)- December 2018, Hyderabad.

2. P.Kayal, “Data Mining For Humanity: An Overview” IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT), Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2018.(UGC-Journal) 

3. P.Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan, “Improved Ensemble Subspace Classifier With Higher Precedence Active Sampling on Class Association Rules” in International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS), Volume 6, Issue 4, March 2018(UGC-Journal)

4. P.Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan, “An Ensemble Classifier Adopting Random Subspace Method Based on Fuzzy Partial Mining” in Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10(12), March 2017(ISI,Web of Science).

5. P.Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan,, “Improved Fuzzy Ensemble Classifier Using Tree Bagging on weighted utility mining” in International Conference on Innovations & Sustainable Development in sciences, Management & Technology (ICI-SDSMT- 2017), March 2017, Raipur.

6. P.Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan,” A Partial Weighted Utility Measure for Fuzzy Association RuleMining” in Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(10), March 2016. (Scopus, Elsevier, Web of Science).

7. P. Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan, “Building Fuzzy Associative Classifier Using Fuzzy values” in International Journal of Science Research, Vol 3, Issue 7, July 2014,ISSN: 2319-7064. (ImpactFactor-6.391).

8. P.Kayal and Dr.S.Kannan, “Efficient Association Rule Mining using Fuzzy weight on Fuzzy values” in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,Vol 3, Issue 10, Oct 2013, ISSN: 2250-3153, (ImpactFactor-3.27)


• Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
• International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
• International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES)
• International Academy for Science & Technology Education and Research (IASTER)


• Data Science Application • Machine Learning Algorithms • Artificial Intelligence • Data Mining and Warehousing.
• Fuzzy Logic • Object Oriented Paradigms.


▪ Conducted a Research Workshop for the researchers of St. Mary’s College on the topic “Reference Management System” on October 24th 2019.
▪ I was invited as a Guest Speaker to give a talk on “Disruptive Innovations- An Interaction with Generation Z” for the MCA students of Fatima College, Madurai, TamilNadu.

▪ I was invited as a Guest Speaker to conduct a Learning program in R for Data Science for the Faculties and Post Graduate students of St. Francis College, Hyderabad.

▪ I have Successfully conducted (as Resource Person) a 30-day Certificate Programme on “R for Data Analytics” for fellow faculties and students of St. Mary’s College, Yousufguda.

▪ Conducted (as Resource Person) a Two-day Workshop on MATLAB for Research for fellow faculties of St. Mary’s College.

▪ Conducted a Two-day Quadrotor (Building Drones) Workshop for the students of St. Mary’s college in association with SKYFI labs, Bangalore.


▪ Colloquium talk given on Disruptive Innovations to the Talents of St. Mary’s College on January 17th 2019.
▪ Organized National Seminar on “Innovative Soft Computing –NSISC’10” for the Department of Computer Applications, Fatima College, Madurai on 19-Feb 2010.

▪ Organized National Seminar on “Information Science and Technology –NSIST’10” for the Department of Computer Applications, Fatima College, Madurai on 06-Oct 2010.

▪ Attended National Workshop on “Social Network Analysis”, organized by Department of Computer Science, Women’s Christian College, Chennai during August 10th and 11th 2018.

▪ Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Research Directions in Data Mining” organized by Department of MCA, Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai, TamilNadu.

▪ Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching Methodologies” organized by Shadan women’s college of Engineering and Technology.


Conducted Certificate Course - R for Data Analytics

I have been the resource person for the "Thirty day Certificate course -"R for Data Analytics" conducted by the Department of Sciences...

Visit to Incois,Research Institute @ Hyderbad

Field visit to INCOIS (Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services) in Pragathi Nagar-Hyderabad, who provides Ocean Information...

Guest Speaker @ St.Francis College,Hyderabad

I was invited by the Department of Computer Science ,St.Francis College ,Hyderabad ,for giving a Guest lecture for their post graduate...

Event Organiser-Quadrotor Workshop

Happy to be the Event organiser for the two day Quadrotor Workshop in association with Skyfi labs Bangalore held on August 20-21...

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